Mission & Servizi
Ricerca diffusa e sostenibile

Senzacornice | Research and Education Lab for Contemporary Art

The Lab conceived and coordinated by Alessandra Acocella and Caterina Toschi aims to combine pure research and academic education with their applied meaning linked with the Tuscan institutional context of museums, exhibition centres and events of contemporary art. Composed of young scholars and Ph.D. candidates, the Lab deals with the main actors of the institutional art scene to create a new active system of services (national and international conferences, workshops, cataloguing and digitization of archives, educational activities, virtual stories, historical-artistic itineraries) aimed at promoting and diffusing the contemporary artistic culture of Florence and Tuscany. The digital platform collects the results of the Lab projects, thus stimulating the development of future plans focused on contemporary art in Tuscany, in Italy and abroad. One of the main goals of the digital platform is to map the archives and library collections related to contemporary art constituted in Florence and Tuscany since the 1950s. The objective is to value, promote and make accessible online the Tuscan patrimony of contemporary art thanks to an innovative tool that preserves the memory and experiments a new methodology of scientific research and education. In September 2014 the Association Senzacornice had been selected by the Incubatore Universitario Fiorentino (IUF) to evolve in an entrepreneurial form the project of the Research and Education Lab for Contemporary Art through tutoring and training activities in the innovative and technological sectors. Senzacornice is currently working with: OAC-Osservatorio per le Arti Contemporanee of Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze; the project Piccoli Grandi Musei. Toscana '900, promoted by Regione Toscana and Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze; the Regione Toscana and the Soprintendenza Archivistica e Bibliografica della Toscana for the census project of contemporary arts archives in Tuscany (1960-2000); Palazzo Strozzi Foundation; Ferragamo Foundation and Museum and MiBACT-Direzione Generale Arte e Architettura Contemporanee e Periferie urbane.


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Associazione Senzacornice
Via Jacopo Nardi 17/a
50132 - Firenze
C.F. 94204060480

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